任岁玲,郭良浩,金燕利.基于特征分析的自适应干扰抑制方法在水声目标被动测距中的应用[J].,2013,32(4):312-319 |
基于特征分析的自适应干扰抑制方法在水声目标被动测距中的应用 |
Application of Eigenanalysis-based Adaptive Interference Suppression Algorithm in Passive Source Range Estimation |
投稿时间:2013-04-15 修订日期:2013-07-03 |
中文摘要: |
针对海洋环境中真实目标常常被强干扰掩盖而难以检测与定位的问题,本文提出了一种基于特征分析的自适应干扰抑制(EAAIS)方法,并将其应用于水声目标被动测距。EAAIS方法预先确定目标方向在一个可能的角度范围内,根据接收数据互谱密度矩阵(CSDM)单个特征向量的波束形成,构造合适的判决因子来自适应地估计并去除CSDM特征空间中的非目标信号子空间以抑制干扰和噪声。然后利用修正后的CSDM进一步获得更清晰的目标的声场干涉条纹,通过匹配声强的频谱结构进行水声目标被动测距。海试数据验证了EAAIS方法在强干扰环境下有效实现水声目标被动测距的能力。 |
英文摘要: |
It is generally very difficult for passive sonar to detect and localize the weak sources in the presence of strong interferences. In this paper, an eigenanalysis-based adaptive interference suppression (EAAIS) method is proposed and applied to estimate the weak source’s range. Assuming a priori knowledge of the bearing interval of the target of interest (TOI) is available, we first construct a power ratio based on the beamforming of each eigenvector of the cross-spectral density matrix (CSDM) to adaptively identify and subtract the eigenvectors not dominated by the TOI for interference suppression. The residual CSDM will then be used for source range estimation based on the beam intensity striation. The experimental results show that the presented solution can provide more effective range estimates of the TOI. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2013.04.010 |
中文关键词: 干扰抑制,特征分析,水声被动测距 |
英文关键词: interference suppression, eigenanalysis, passive source range estimation |
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