Bearings-only target motion analysis under linear equality constraints
投稿时间:2013-04-24  修订日期:2014-03-05
      In order to shorten the time and precision, and adapt the need of military operation, for a sound source target with constant velocity, which moving along a straight line, using the distance characteristic variable, the distance relation between two different times is derived。 Moreover, the distance relation is transformed as linear constraints of state vector, named as strong constraints and soft constraints, respectively。 Combining them with pseudo linear algorithm, two new algorithms of Kalman filtering are obtained。 In theory, it is proved that the state estimator with soft constraint condition is not better than that with strong constraint condition, while is better than that with unconstraint condition。 The simulation results and experimental verification show that the new methods are feasible and the time and precision of the new algorithms are better than old one, it demonstrates that the new algorithms are effective。
中文关键词: 纯方位  线性等式约束  目标运动分析  距离特征量  Kalman滤波
英文关键词: bearings-only  linear equality constraints  target motion analysis  distance characteristic variable  Kalman filter
赵建昕* 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071 qy_zjx@bit.edu.cn 
笪良龙 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071  
徐国军 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071  
过武宏 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071  
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