Quantitative analyses of the acoustic effect of the pavilion stage in traditional Chinese theatres
投稿时间:2013-07-01  修订日期:2013-07-08
      A pavilion stage, open on three sides and thrusting into the audience area, is the prevailing form of the traditional Chinese theatres. Such a stage is usually characterized by a small area and low ceiling. It functions as a sound reflecting shell, which enhances the acoustic effect for the audience, and meanwhile, provides self-support to the actors onstage. A coffered ceiling is the most popular feature of the stage, which provides satisfactory acoustic effect, and ornaments to the stage. There is no scientific knowledge yet to quantify such acoustic effect. This study was based on the stage support parameter STE proposed by Gade as a measurement of acoustic support for individual performers. Computer simulations were conducted for both flat-ceiling and domed ceiling. Simulations results show that the STE under the center part of the domed ceiling is higher than that under the flat-ceiling. It demonstrates that the domed ceiling of pavilion stage does help performers to hear their own voice.
中文关键词: 中国传统戏场,戏场声学,戏台音质分析
英文关键词: Traditional Chinese theatres, Traditional theatre acoustics, Stage acoustics
王季卿* 同济大学声学研究所 上海 200092 wongtsu@126.com 
莫方朔 同济大学声学研究所 上海 200092  
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