何世堂,王文,刘久玲,刘明华,李顺洲.声表面波气体传感器研究进展*[J].,2013,32(4):252-262 |
声表面波气体传感器研究进展* |
Research progress of surface acoustic wave based gas sensors |
投稿时间:2013-07-01 修订日期:2013-07-08 |
中文摘要: |
基于声表面波技术的气体传感器包括采用敏感膜和结合气相色谱两种方式。比较而言,采用敏感膜的声表面波气体传感器体积小、功耗低,适应小型化毒气报警器的发展要求,但可检测的气体种类少、灵敏度低、存在交叉干扰问题;声表面波与气相色谱联用的气体分析仪灵敏度高、可检测气体种类多、很好地解决交叉干扰问题,特别适合于复杂大气背景条件下的气体成分分析。本文从传感器响应机理分析与物理功能结构两方面出发介绍了两类声表面波气体传感器的研究进展情况。 |
英文摘要: |
Two approaches are used for gas sensing of the surface acoustic wave (SAW) based gas sensor, one is using the sensitive film coated onto the SAW device directly, interacting with the target specifics by absorbing; the other way is joint detection using the naked SAW sensor and gas chromatography (GC). The first one is characterized by small size, low power in the practical application, and it adapts to the development of miniaturization poison gas sensor requirements. However, it still suffers from some problems as low sensitivity, few detectable gas types and crossed-interference. It is fortunate that these problems can be solved just right by the joint detection using the naked SAW sensor and GC, the method is especially suitable for the gas composition analysis in the complicated atmosphere background. This paper reviews the development of the SAW gas sensor using the two detection methods. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2013.04.003 |
中文关键词: 声表面波,气体传感器,敏感膜,气相色谱,灵敏度 |
英文关键词: Surface acoustic wave, Gas sensor, Sensitive film, Gas chromatography, Sensitivity |
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