Subjective evaluation of environmental noise of student dormitoriesin Shenzhen University
投稿时间:2013-06-18  修订日期:2014-05-03
      In order to know the environmental noise of student dormitories in Shenzhen University, study the relationship between environmental noise and students’ psychological behavior and explore the suitable methods for subjective evaluation of environmental noise of college student dormitories, an investigation was taken in Shenzhen University. In this paper, the main content is the processing of the questionnaire survey on environmental noise of student dormitories in Shenzhen University, the recovered questionnaire data were analyzed by using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 19.0, including: quality assessment of the questionnaires, analysis of environmental noise type and the largest affecting period, mean value analysis, multiple regression analysis and factor analysis and the corresponding results. Finally, subjective evaluation conclusions of environmental noise of student dormitories in Shenzhen University were obtained, including the function relationship between the probability of environmental noise annoyance of the students in Shenzhen University and the sound pressure level, and the annoying threshold of college apartment ambient noise.
中文关键词: 环境噪声,深圳大学学生公寓,主观评价,SPSS
英文关键词: Environmental  noise,Dormitories  of college  students, Subjective  evaluation,SPSS
吴成* 深圳市华汇设计有限公司 wucheng@email.szu.edu.cn 
吴向阳 深圳大学  
卢伟佳 深圳大学  
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