范威,刘平香.楔形理想波导中球体散射的镜像方法[J].,2014,33(4):330-339 |
楔形理想波导中球体散射的镜像方法 |
The mirror image method for sphere scattering in wedge-shaped ideal waveguide |
投稿时间:2013-07-02 修订日期:2014-06-29 |
中文摘要: |
应用镜像原理和球波函数加法公式,把楔形理想波导中球体的散射声场等效为无界空间中多球体散射声场,镜像解析解与边界元数值结果相同,可以作为边界随水平距离变化波导中目标散射数值方法的标准解。比较无界空间和楔形理想波导中球体散射声场空间分布特征,结果表明:楔形理想波导中球体的散射声场在水平和倾斜边界反射;散射声场沿楔形理想波导下坡方向的衰减在相同的水平距离下小于无界空间的情况,散射声场在楔形理想波导上坡的空间分布受到限制。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the principle of mirror image and addition theorems for the spherical wave functions, the scattering from a sphere in wedge-shaped waveguide was transformed to scattering from multi-spheres in free space. The analytical image solution was the same with calculation using boundary element method. As a result, it can be used as a benchmark solution to validate the numerical method for target scattering in range dependent waveguide. The different feature between scattering from a sphere in free space and wedge-shaped waveguide were compared. The results show that the acoustic scattering field in wedge-shaped waveguide reflects on surface and slope bottom, and its attenuation along down-slope in wedge-shaped waveguide was weaker than situation in free space at the same horizontal range, however, the acoustic scattering field distribution along up-slope in wedge-shaped waveguide was limited. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.04.006 |
中文关键词: 楔形理想波导,散射,镜像原理,边界元 |
英文关键词: Wedge-shaped ideal waveguide,Scattering,Principle of mirror image,Boundary element |
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