王朋,袁俊舫,黄勇,刘纪元.一种基于多普勒频移的被动合成孔径声纳探测方法*[J].,2014,33(4):340-348 |
一种基于多普勒频移的被动合成孔径声纳探测方法* |
A method of processing passive synthetic aperture sonar measurements based on doppler#$NBSshift#$NBSfrequency |
投稿时间:2013-07-03 修订日期:2014-06-27 |
中文摘要: |
由于自主小平台声纳孔径有限,对声纳探测的分辨率的提高有所限制。小平台的机动可以有效的与声纳探测方法相结合来提高声纳探测性能。针对这一特点,提出一种基于多普勒频移技术的被动合成孔径声纳探测方法。该方法根据自主小平台的机动所引起声纳的接收信号多普勒频移的变化,进行目标的频率与方位联合估计。本文将自主小平台的机动引入到波束形成技术当中形成一种新的被动合成孔径技术。数值仿真表明,该方法可以有效的进行目标方位估计,并且获得较高的角度分辨率,改善了自主小平台的探测性能。 |
英文摘要: |
Due to the length of sonar aperture being limited by autonomous underwater vehicles physical size, the resolution improvement of the sonar is restricted. The maneuverability of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) combined with passive sonar detection method provides the opportunity to improve the resolution of the sonar. In light of the characteristic, an approach of passive synthetic aperture sonar measurements processing based on the Doppler shift is proposed. The method estimates the orientation frequency and bearing of target jointly with the change of Doppler frequency shift caused by maneuverability of AUV. In this paper, one new passive synthetic aperture technology is proposed by introducing the maneuverability of AUV to the beamforming technology. Numerical simulations show that this method can effectively estimate target bearing, and significantly obtain high bearing resolution and improve the detection performance of AUV. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.04.008 |
中文关键词: 被动声纳 被动合成孔径 多普勒波束形成 |
英文关键词: passive sonar passive synthetic aperture Doppler beamforming |
基金项目:国防预研项目(4010201040201) |
摘要点击次数: 3178 |
全文下载次数: 2025 |
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