Influential Factors and Sensitivity Analysis on Inversion of Permeability by Borehole Dipole Flexural Wave in A Fluid-filled Borehole
投稿时间:2013-08-12  修订日期:2014-01-02
      Based on the wave field propagation theory of the isotropic saturated porous media in a fluid-filled borehole, the effect of different factors on the phase velocity and attenuation of flexural wave was studied systematically. The paper analyzes the sensitivity of flexural wave velocity and attenuation to different factors for fast and slow formation, these contrast results show that flexural wave velocity has basically nothing to do with the influence of formation permeability, its attenuation sensitivity on permeability is far above than that of velocity. Center frequency of flexural wave with attenuation appear frequency shift. So joint inversion of formation permeability is feasible by flexural wave attenuation and frequency shift characteristics. By comparing the sensitivity curve of fast and slow formations, we found that permeability inversion results for slow formation should be better than that of the fast formation. At the same time, this paper also points out that in low porosity and permeability reservoir, gas-bearing reservoir also can be identified by using flexural wave attenuation characteristic.
中文关键词: 弯曲波  渗透率  衰减  影响因素  灵敏度
英文关键词: flexural wave  formation permeability  attenuation  influencing factors  sensitivity
陈国栋* 中海油田服务股份有限公司 油田技术事业部 weizhoutuo@163.com 
魏周拓 中国石油大学华东地球科学与技术学院 weizhoutuo@163.com 
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