闵一建,王婷婷.人体肱二头肌静态等长收缩振动模态研究*[J].,2014,33(4):364-370 |
人体肱二头肌静态等长收缩振动模态研究* |
The research on the vibration modal of biceps static isometric contraction |
投稿时间:2013-08-14 修订日期:2014-07-02 |
中文摘要: |
本文研究肱二头肌静态收缩振动规律。利用多物理场有限元仿真软件COMSOL建立肱二头肌仿真模型,计算肱二头肌在静态时的本征频率及其模态,同时检测静态负荷弯举的肱二头肌肌声信号。模拟结果显示肱二头肌静态等长收缩振动模态主要有5种,且随振动频率的升高,振动模态趋于复杂。实验测量反映了肱二头肌静态收缩肌声振动能量集中在超低频区。仿真模拟结果与实验统计数据进行对比分析,发现肱二头肌在超低频区域振动的模态在Y轴方向受力伸缩的同时,出现Z轴和X轴方向的振动。振动主峰频率平均在12Hz。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper, the vibration rule of biceps static contraction is investigated. Eigenfrequencies and major modal of static contraction are calculated with the vibration model of the biceps established by simulation software Multiphysics COMSOL. In addition, acoustic signal of the biceps static contraction under load are measured. The results show that vibration modal of the biceps static isometric contraction are mainly 5 kinds. With the increase of vibration frequency , vibration modals of the biceps are complicated .Furthermore, the experiment reflect that the biceps static contraction vibration energy is concentrated in low-frequency area. Comparing the simulation results with experimental, vibration modal of the biceps in low frequency mainly have Y-Axial telescoping, meantime have the X axis and Z axis vibration. the average value of the main peek frequency is 12Hz 。 |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.04.014 |
中文关键词: 肱二头肌 有限元 振动模态 肌声 |
英文关键词: biceps finite element vibrational modal muscle acoustic |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目):基于混沌动力学研究运动肌肉发声机理及应用技术研究 |
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