杨雪冰,李庆峰,李文志,何丽.声波测井技术在非常规致密油藏储层评价中的应用[J].,2014,33(1):16-22 |
声波测井技术在非常规致密油藏储层评价中的应用 |
The application of acoustic logging technology in the unconventional dense reservoir |
投稿时间:2013-09-17 修订日期:2014-01-06 |
中文摘要: |
本文应用声波测井技术,针对松辽盆地齐家-古龙地区,非常规致密油储层有效性评价方法进行研究,即评价可能的裂缝发育段、可能的含油层段和可压裂改造的层段等。针对研究区非常规致密油藏特征及勘探实践,采用声波时差等效深度法建立超压层识别方法,通过计算岩石脆性指数建立岩石可压性评价技术。该技术较好的解决了非常规储层有效性评价的关键问题,在老井压裂改造和新钻水平井、大斜度井测井评价中发挥重要作用,见到很好的应用效果。 |
英文摘要: |
The effectiveness evaluation method of unconventional dense reservoirs, including possible fracture sections, possible oil bearing zones and possible intervals that could be fractured and so on, in Qijia-Gulong area of Songliao Basin is studied with acoustic logging technique. Based on characteristics of the unconventional dense reservoirs and the exploration experience of the study area, an over-pressure formation identification technique is set up with acoustic time equivalent depth method, a rock compressibility evaluation technique is established with rock brittleness index calculation. Consequently, some critical issues of effectiveness evaluation of unconventional reservoir get a better solution, achieving good application effect in old fracturing wells and new horizontal or high angle wells. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.01.003 |
中文关键词: 非常规 泥岩裂缝 超压 岩石可压性 地层横波 |
英文关键词: Unconventional, Fractured shale reservoir, Over-pressure, Rock compressibility, Shear wave |
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