金士杰,安志武,廉国选,毛捷,王小民.光弹法测量超声换能器声场[J].,2014,33(2):107-111 |
光弹法测量超声换能器声场 |
Photoelastic quantification of ultrasonic beams radiated by transducers |
投稿时间:2013-12-02 修订日期:2014-02-28 |
中文摘要: |
超声换能器声场的测试对于超声检测具有基础性作用,而传统的超声换能器声场测试方法具有一些局限性。本文介绍了搭建的动态激光光弹实验平台,并利用动态光弹法测量了纵波换能器和横波换能器辐射声场的特征,由瞬态声场图像获得了声波速度、中心频率;由稳态声场图像获得了声场的近场长度、指向性和扩散角等参数;分析了光弹实验系统和测量方法可能引起测量误差。本文结果表明动态光弹法是一种有效的定量测量超声换能器声场的方法。 |
英文摘要: |
It plays a fundamental role to quantify the ultrasonic beams radiated by transducers for ultrasonic testing. However, traditional methods are to some degree limited. A photoelastic visualization system was established and utilized to quantify some parameters of ultrasonic beams radiated by a longitudinal transducer as well as a shear one. Wave velocities and central frequencies of the transducers are obtained by transient ultrasonic fields. The near-field distances, directivities and divergence angles are calculated from time-harmonic ultrasonic field. The measurement errors caused by the photoelastic visualization system and experimental method are analyzed. It is shown that the photoelastic technique is an effective method to quantify ultrasonic beams radiated by transducers. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.02.003 |
中文关键词: 动态光弹法,超声换能器,超声场特征 |
英文关键词: Dynamic photoelastic technique,Ultrasonic transducer, Ultrasonic field characteristics |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目:11374325) |
摘要点击次数: 3105 |
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