程志伟.语音清晰度和平均混响时间在车内声学中的应用[J].,2014,33(6):541-546 |
语音清晰度和平均混响时间在车内声学中的应用 |
Application of Articulation Index and Mean Reverberation Time in Sound Absorber Property Evaluation for Interior Vehicle |
投稿时间:2013-12-10 修订日期:2014-11-04 |
中文摘要: |
在乘用车车内噪声品质的开发过程中,综合应用语音清晰度和平均混响时间两个指标对车内吸声性能进行了对比分析。通过对实车的主观评价和客观测试,确定了高速道路行驶工况下的语音清晰度主要决定于车内吸声材料的性能,最后给出了将车内相关部位进行材料吸声改进作为语音清晰度改善的主要措施之一。 |
英文摘要: |
In the process of development for Passenger Car interior sound quality, it is compared and analyzed that full vehicle sound absorber characteristic with two parameters about articulation index and mean reverberation time. After subject estimation and object test in actual vehicle, it is believed that is AI running on high speed road load lied on interior vehicle’s absorber material property, finally, in this paper it proposes some cases of modifying acoustic material of relative parts and consider them as main methods of improving AI. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.06.011 |
中文关键词: 语音清晰度,平均混响时间,声压衰减斜率 |
英文关键词: articulation index, mean reverberation time, SPL decay slope. |
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