罗宏建,周重回,王炯耿,张杰,赵洲峰.铝制焊接容器超声导波成像检测[J].,2014,33(6):520-527 |
铝制焊接容器超声导波成像检测 |
Ultrasonic guided waves imaging testing onaluminum welded shell |
投稿时间:2013-12-18 修订日期:2014-10-09 |
中文摘要: |
针对中厚板铝制焊接容器的安全评价问题,从理论上和试验上研究了该类结构超声导波成像检测的适用性。首先,对中厚板铝制焊接容器中不同模态的超声导波的传播特性进行了理论分析;然后建立起超声成像系统,并对容器中各种类型人工缺陷进行不同超声导波模态试验对比研究。结果表明,与其他模态相比,S1模态在激励频率2MHz附近的频散曲线平坦无频散,上下表面的离面位移小。研制的导波传感器能激发单一的S1模态导波,对焊缝区域缺陷、上下表面缺陷均具有较高检测灵敏度。该研究为中厚板铝制焊接容器的健康监测提供可行的技术方案。 |
英文摘要: |
: For the safety evaluation of medium aluminum welded vessels, The adaption of guided waves imaging is investigated theoretically and experimentally. Firstly the characteristics of guided waves propagated in medium aluminum welded vessels is theoretical analyzed; then develop the guided waves imaging system, and the contrastive experiments are conducted in the vessel with different width using different modes of guided waves. It is found that comparing to the other modes, the Dispersion curve of S1 mode excited byS2MHz frequency is smooth and non-dispersive, and the out-of-plane displacementSis small. The guided-wave transducer developed can bring single S1 mode guided wave, has a higherSdetection sensitivitySof weldSdefects, andSsurface defects. The developed method provides feasible scheme for health monitoring of medium aluminum welded vessels. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.06.008 |
中文关键词: 铝制焊接容器 超声检测 S1模态 超声导波成像 |
英文关键词: medium aluminum welded vessels Ultrasonic testing S1 wave mode Guided waves imaging |
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