An investigation of uniform sound reinforcement technology based on least squares method
投稿时间:2014-01-23  修订日期:2014-12-27
      The problem to achieve uniform sound pressure level (SPL) over audience area in both outdoor and indoor sound reinforcement applications is investigated in this paper. A novel design strategy based on the least squares method is proposed. The flat distribution of the SPL can be achieved while the input signals of loudspeaker array are adjusted by approximation of the desired response on the audience area. At the same time, the target level on the other positions is kept as low as possible for better directivity control. The impact on the SPL distribution arisen from different parameter settings of this method is evaluated by simulations, and the selection procedure of these parameters is also discussed. A comparison among the effects of the proposed method, phase-shift method as well as the uncontrolled sound field was conducted in real applications. Both simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new design.
中文关键词: 最小二乘法,均匀扩声,扬声器阵列
英文关键词: Least squares, Uniform sound reinforcement, Loudspeaker array
刘力 中科院声学所 liuli@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
蔡野锋 中科院声学所  
吴鸣 中科院声学所  
杨军* 中科院声学所 jyang@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
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