杜伟东,李海森,陈宝伟,徐超.一种基于声散射特性的有鳔鱼特征获取方法[J].,2014,33(6):505-511 |
一种基于声散射特性的有鳔鱼特征获取方法 |
Features acquisition of fish with swim bladder based on acoustic scattering characteristics |
投稿时间:2014-04-01 修订日期:2014-11-02 |
中文摘要: |
鱼分类技术在渔业资源评估中的重要性日益凸显,而分类中能够得到不同鱼种的本质声散射特征尤为重要。文章基于鱼的声散射特性,提出一种有鳔鱼种特征获取新方法。鱼的目标强度反映了鱼的本质声散射特征,其主要取决于鱼鳔的大小、形状及声波入射角度、频率,文章基于基尔霍夫模式模型和图像处理方法进行建模,不仅可对鱼体和鱼鳔进行更真实的近似,而且可以得到精确的目标强度仿真结果。通过图像识别方法,对鱼体及鱼鳔图像进行灰度变换、二值化、边缘识别、轮廓提取等处理,得到鱼体及鱼鳔边缘坐标,利用得到的信息进行建模,并给出了相应的计算机仿真结果。最后进行了水池试验,对仿真数据与试验数据进行了对比分析,并提取得到有鳔鱼的目标强度特征,为鱼分类特征获取提供了一条新的途径。 |
英文摘要: |
The importance of fish classification in the fishery resource assessment is increasing. Features extraction of the nature acoustic scattering in the fish classification of different species is particularly important. A new method for extracting features of fish with swim bladder was proposed based on fish acoustic scattering properties in this paper. Target strength reflects the nature acoustic scattering characteristics of fish, which depends on the size, shape of swim bladder and frequency, angle of the incident wave. Model was established based on the Kirchhoff mode and image processing method, which not only can be accurate approximation for fish body and the swim bladder, but also obtain the target strength simulation results. Through image gray-scale transformation, binarization, edge detection, and contour extraction based on image recognition method, fish and swim bladder edge coordinates were acquired. And then modeling and computer simulation results were got by the above results. Finally, the tank experiment was conducted, and the simulated and experimental data were analyzed. The target strength features of fish with swim bladder were extracted. It can provide a new way for fish classification features. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.06.006 |
中文关键词: 鱼 基尔霍夫模式模型 声散射特性 目标强度 分类特征 |
英文关键词: Fish, Kirchhoff mode model, Acoustic scattering characteristics, Target strength, Classification features |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目) |
摘要点击次数: 2372 |
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