丁文杉,蔡良才,刘洲,王海服,丁飞,杜宜霖.某军用机场飞机噪声暴露的模化研究[J].,2015,34(3):266-271 |
某军用机场飞机噪声暴露的模化研究 |
Noise exposure modeling of a military airport |
投稿时间:2014-06-19 修订日期:2015-04-08 |
中文摘要: |
针对军用机场飞机飞行训练方式复杂多变,飞机噪声影响存在范围大、不均匀及单次事件噪声突出的特点,本文结合某军用机场实地调研测试资料,综合考察了现行评价指标对该机场飞机噪声暴露的模化效果,指出了现行指标在反映军用飞机瞬时噪声和高峰时段噪声对人的冲击影响方面的不足,提出了相应的改进措施建议,给出了高峰时段LWECPN和最大A声级LAmax两个改进指标,并分析确立了各评价指标的标准限值。最后结合调研机场的数据资料对评价指标的有效性进行了验证。论文的研究成果对军用机场飞机噪声暴露的拓展研究和通用评价指标体系的构建具有很好的参考作用。 |
英文摘要: |
For flight training ways of a military airport is complex, the aircraft noise is on a large scale, uneven and single events noise is observable, the modeling effect of the current noise evaluation index on noise exposure of the military airports is examined based on the test data from the military airport field in this paper. Then, the deficiency of existing evaluation indexes in military aircraft instantaneous and peak time of noise impacts on people is pointed out, and the corresponding improvement measures are put forward. Peak time LWECPN and LAmax improvement indicators are given, and the evaluation index standard limit is established and settled. Finally, combining with the data of investigated airport, the validity of the evaluation index is verified. It provides a reference for noise exposure research and evaluation index construction of military airport. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2015.03.013 |
中文关键词: 军用机场 飞机噪声 评价指标 LWECPN LAmax |
英文关键词: military airport aircraft noise evaluation index LWECPN LAmax |
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