Study on a new method for heated material temperature measuring
投稿时间:2014-07-13  修订日期:2015-04-23
      在材料科学和材料工程领域,对受热材料温度分布测量的需求一直在持续增长。这主要是因为对于材料的各种特性和行为,温度都是其重要参量。以往的声表面波温度计依然需要敏感元件基片与被测区域达到热平衡才能测量,在时间上有一定的滞后性,在反映快速变化的温度场时缺陷明显。本文设计一种新的声表面波测量方法测量在加热或冷却过程中的材料表面的温度梯度。这种方法涉及到超声波回波测量和导热反问题的分析方法来得到材料中沿超声传播方向的一维温度场分布,不依赖敏感元件测温。使用激光超声设备激励 和检测超声波,对铝块和铝板分别进行了测温实验,得到了理想的结果。超声测温技术作为一种新型的热点技术,配合非接触式的超声激光方法,在材料高温处理领域前景可观。
      There is an increasing demand for temperature measurement of heated material in fields like material science and engineering. Temperature is one of the most important parameters for exploring features or behaviors of the heated material. Traditional methods for temperature measurements require a temperaturesensitive element. However, long measurement time is needed for the temperature-sensitive element and the target environment to obtain a thermal equilibrium. When target environment changes continuously, they may not give accurate temperature measurements. This paper offers a new method based on SAW (Surface acoustic wave) to measure temperature gradient directly on the surface of heated material, and it can avoid the usage of temperature-sensitive element and overcome the thermal equilibrium difficulty in the traditional temperature measurement methods. Experiments on Al material are showed and the expected results are achieved. With a new technology of laser-ultrasonics, acoustic thermometry as a new developed remote thermometry technology shows its apparent capability in high-temperature operation on material.
中文关键词: 声表面波,温度场成像,铝板,激光-超声
英文关键词: SAW, Temperature profile, Aluminum plate, Laser-ultrasonics
基金项目:装备预研基金 (914A17050312JB91202)
王瑾珏* 中国人民解放军陆军军官学院 leave_day@hotmail.com 
张金 中国人民解放军陆军军官学院 jgxyzhangjin@163.com 
高望 中国人民解放军陆军军官学院 176583166@qq.com 
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