胡时晓,许凯亮,他得安.超声导波评价长骨骨折的仿体实验研究[J].,2015,34(2):95-101 |
超声导波评价长骨骨折的仿体实验研究 |
Long bone fracture evaluation using ultrasonic guided waves: a phantom study |
投稿时间:2014-07-15 修订日期:2015-02-14 |
中文摘要: |
定量超声评价长骨骨折已成为近年来的研究热点之一,超声导波模式转换理论可被应用于长骨骨折状况的评价。采用三维时域有限差分法分析骨折长骨中导波模式转换的基本规律,提取模式转换定量评价参数;进而结合亚克力管仿体实验,分析不同裂纹程度下导波模式的转换情况。仿真与仿体实验表明,导波模式能量参数与裂纹程度具有很好的相关性,可用于评价长骨骨折状况。 |
英文摘要: |
Using ultrasonic guided waves to assess long bone fracture status has drawn significant research interests. The study aimed to investigate the feasibility of ultrasonic guided-mode conversion theory for long cortical bone fracture evaluation. In this article, the principle of guided wave mode conversion in the fractured long bone was analyzed using three-dimension finite-difference time-domain (3D-FDTD), and quantitative parameters were proposed to evaluate the fracture status. The mode conversion theory was applied to analyze different fractures in phantom experiment. Both numerical simulation and phantom experiment indicated that the energy parameter of ultrasonic guided mode conversion correlated strongly with fracture depth, which may offer great potentials for the long bone fracture evaluation. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2015.02.001 |
中文关键词: 长骨骨折,超声导波,模式转换,三维时域有限差分 |
英文关键词: Long bone fracture, ultrasonic guided wave, mode conversion, 3D-FDTD |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(11174060, 11304043, 11327405)、教育部博士点基金(20110071130004, 20130071110020)、上海市科技支撑计划(13441901900)及中国博士后基金项目(2012M520826) |
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