李启虎.北极水声学:一门引人关注的新型学科[J].,2014,33(6):471-483 |
北极水声学:一门引人关注的新型学科 |
北极水声学:一门引人关注的新型学科 |
投稿时间:2014-08-28 修订日期:2014-11-10 |
中文摘要: |
北极水声学是一门研究北极及其毗邻海域水声环境效应的学科,包括海洋环境噪声,特别是冰盖下的海洋环境噪声;北极海区的混响特性;北极及其毗邻海域的水声传播规律、冰盖下的水声通信。以及由于北极海区的独特环境(所谓半声道效应)而给水声信号处理带来的新的研究课题。北极水声学的研究开始于二次世界大战之后,当时的研究内容明显的带有冷战的烙印。近年来由于地球变暖的趋势,北极冰区面积持续减少,北极航道有望开通。又由于北极高纬度地区的丰富的自然资源,引起各海洋大国的高度关注,北极水声学已成为新的研究热点,并注入了新的内容。本文综述介绍北极水声学的研究概况,以及和北极声学密切相关的海洋声学方面的研究课题。自从上世纪90年代以来,我国科学家对探索北极表现了极大兴趣,本文简要介绍我国对北极的5次海洋考察和正在进行的第6次考察。对我国在北极及其毗邻海域水声学研究方面所面临的挑战提出初步的应对措施。 |
英文摘要: |
Arctic underwater acoustics is a science, which focus on the study of ocean environment effect of Arctic and the neighbor’s area, including ocean environment noise, particularly the ocean ambient noise under ice cover; reverberation characteristics of Arctic; the underwater signal propagation law and underwater acoustic communication in Arctic. The research topics also include the new feature’s study in signal processing, due to the special Arctic environment, i.e. so called half underwater sound channel effect. The history of research work of Arctic underwater acoustics can be traced back to the end of World War II, the scientific and technical interests obviously with cold war brand. Recently, since the trend of global warming of the earth, the ice cover area in Arctic substantially decreases the Arctic freight channel hopefully open. The plenty resources in high latitude area attracts more and more attention of ocean power country in the world. The Arctic underwater acoustics become a new hot topic in research work and has been covered many new issues. The brief introduction of Arctic underwater acoustics is reviewed in this paper. The acoustic oceanography and ocean acoustics topics in this area are presented. Since 1990’s of last century, the Chinese scientists express their interests in Arctic exploration and study. The results of 5 times Arctic surveys organized by Chinese oceanic organizations are introduced; the research program of ongoing 6th survey is briefly expressed. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2014.06.001 |
中文关键词: 北极水声学:一门引人关注的新型学科 |
英文关键词: 北极水声学:一门引人关注的新型学科 |
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