鲁东,陈宝伟,李海森,周天.浅水多波束高帧率测深技术研究[J].,2015,34(4):303-310 |
浅水多波束高帧率测深技术研究 |
Research on technology of multi-beam high frame rate bathymetry in shallow water |
投稿时间:2014-09-19 修订日期:2015-06-19 |
中文摘要: |
针对常规多波束测量中由于远距离目标信号未到达接收基阵而不能再次发射探测信号,导致测深帧率下降的问题,提出了基于Kasami编码的浅水多波束高帧率测深方法。首先讨论了频分复用高帧率测深方法、基于Kasami编码的并行高帧率测深方法和串行高帧率测深方法的原理,然后通过仿真对比了三种方法的条带间干扰和测深精度的性能,最后分析表明基于Kasami编码的串行高帧率测深方法具有较低的条带间干扰能力和较高的测深精度。最后采用国产首套浅水宽覆盖多波束测深系统进行了水池实验验证,结果表明该方法在保证测量精度的情况下,可有效的提高测量帧率。 |
英文摘要: |
For remote target signal can’t reach receiving array in the conventional multi-beam measurement, and probe signal can’t be re-launched, which results in the problems of decrease of bathymetry frame rate, the method of multi-beam high frame rate in shallow water is proposed on the basis of Kasami encoding. Firstly, it analyzes FDM high frame rate bathymetry method, and the method of parallel high frame rate bathymetry based on Kasami encoding as well as the theory of serial high rate bathymetry, subsequently, according to simulation, inter-bands disturbance and performance of bathymetry accuracy are compared among the three methods, final analysis presents serial high rate bathymetry method on the basis of Kasami encoding possesses lower inter-bands disturbance capability and higher bathymetry accuracy. finally, simulation and tank experimental verification is finished based on the MBES(Multi-beam echo sounder)made in China, result shows the method can effectively increase measurement frame rate when guaranteeing measurement accuracy. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2015.04.004 |
中文关键词: 浅水多波束,Kasami编码,高帧率测深 |
英文关键词: shallow water multi-beam, Kasami code, high frame rate bathymetry |
基金项目:国家863计划资助项目(2007AA09Z124,2008AA092701),国家科技部国际合作计划资助项目(2008DFR70320),国家自然科学基金(41006057,41076056,60872107),中国高等学校博士点基金项目(20102304120028, 20112304130003, 20122304120012),水声技术重点实验室基金项目(9140C200105120C20001) |
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