Influence of ultrasonic vibration on sawing force characteristic of precision sawing optic glass*
投稿时间:2015-01-30  修订日期:2015-06-19
      Ultrasonic vibration assisted machining has been widely applied on various machining methods of hard and brittle material, and been proven its excellent machining capability. In this study, we collected an average cutting force and single diamond abrasive scratching force signal under condition of ultrasonic vibration or without it in optical glass cutting, and analyzed the average cutting force, single grain force characteristics under different conditions. At the same time, we use of scanning electron microscope to observe the surface morphology of the corresponding force signal and tool work-piece after machining to further explain the mechanism of material removal under ultrasonic vibration and ultrasonic vibration effect on cutting force. The results showed that ultrasonic vibration assisted makes the stress reducing in process of single grain scratch, so that the average cutting force lowering than the traditional cutting technique. Ultrasonic vibration changed ordinary sawing way at removing material, kept a good cutting status of tool, reduced the cutting force ratio of the optical glass material and improved its workability.
中文关键词: 超声振动  锯切  锯切力  光学玻璃
英文关键词: ultrasonic vibration  sawing  sawing force  optic glass
王江全* 华侨大学机电及自动化学院 771509531 
沈剑云 华侨大学机电及自动化学院 68755226@qq.com 
李政材 华侨大学机电及自动化学院 1174697344@qq.com 
徐西鹏 华侨大学机电及自动化学院 xpxu@hqu.edu.cn 
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