Rapid COD detection method based on ultrasound assisted sample digestion and titration with ORP monitored
投稿时间:2015-03-18  修订日期:2015-08-26
      The detection results of the Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) get from traditional detection method is widely inaccurate, unstable, and easily affected by the environment. In order to improve theSefficiency and theSstability of COD online detection results, this paper proposes a new method of COD detection method: UASD-ORP method based on ORP method which is assisted with the method ofSultrasonic wave assistedSdigestionS(UASD) method. It is based on theSprinciple ofSultrasonicSchemistrySand redox potentialS(ORP) method. Through the strengtheningSmass transfer of cavitation bubble’sSmicro jet under the irradiation of ultrasonic, surface free radical activation and other effects to digest the water sample, combined with the macroscopicSoxidation-reduction character of ORP monitoringSsolution, it contributed to the accuracy,Sstability of CODSdetectionSin the subsequentStitrationSprocess. Experiments show that the measured COD value of the standard KHP solution by that method is very close to the value by the national standard method and the relative errorSis between in the -6.0% ~ -3.0%; the accuracy of the measured COD value by the mentioned method above and the value by the standard method in practical detection applicationSofSwaste waterSsamples is between -10.0% to -1.5%.The process of COD detection in the use of UASD-ORP method is between 15min and 20min and the repeatability error Sis ≤3%.The experiments show that the method is significant,and can used to develop COD online determination technology.
中文关键词: COD检测  超声辅助消解  ORP监测滴定法
英文关键词: COD determination  ultrasonic assisted digestion  titration based on ORP
李文 北方工业大学 wangkjhello@qq.com 
汪楷健* 北方工业大学 641233367@qq.com 
杨守波 北方工业大学 yang.shoubo@163.com 
林立慧 北方工业大学 1259584424@qq.com 
罗学科 北方工业大学 L@ncut.edu.cn 
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