杨義,周蓉,王祥,何权辉,黄丹.超声波在棉织物退煮漂一浴法中的应用[J].,2015,34(6):554-559 |
超声波在棉织物退煮漂一浴法中的应用 |
Application of ultrasonic energy in one-bath desizing-scouring-bleaching process of cotton fabric |
投稿时间:2015-04-07 修订日期:2015-10-20 |
中文摘要: |
利用超声波技术对棉织物进行退煮漂,采用正交试验法研究了超声波退煮漂一浴法的工艺,最佳的工艺条件为:超声波功率50W,超声波退煮漂一浴时间30min,温度70℃,表面活性剂(DLEO9)浓度6g/L,NaOH浓度20g/L。在此条件下,棉织物的退浆率、毛细管效应能达到常规一浴退煮漂较长时间(60min)和高温(90℃)的效果,且织物的强力损失小。超声波的使用能显著地缩短退煮漂时间和降低退煮漂温度。 |
英文摘要: |
Ultrasonic wave technology was applied to one-bath desizing-scouring-bleaching process of cotton fabric. The conditions of the process, such as ultrasonic power, desizing-scouring-bleaching time, and dosage NaOH and auxiliaries DLEO9 etc were studied by orthogonal test. Optimized process parameters are as follows: ultrasonic power is 50 w, the time is 30 min, temperature is 70℃, concentration NaOH and DLEO9 is respectively 20g/L and 6g/L and liquor ratio is 1:30. In the conditions, capillary effect, desizing percentage and breaking strength of treated cotton fabric are better than or the same as those with the traditional process which takes longer time (60min) and high temperature (90℃), and the strength loss of treated cotton fabric becomes small. Reduction of the time and temperature can be achieved by ultrasonic one-bath desizing-scouring-bleaching process. |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 超声波 纯棉织物 退煮漂一浴法 毛细管效应 退浆率 |
英文关键词: ultrasonic wave cotton fabric desizing and scouring and bleaching capillary effect desizing percentage |
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