Research on fixed-location pulse linear prediction coding*
投稿时间:2015-06-28  修订日期:2016-02-28
      In this paper, a location-independent pulse search algorithm based on multi-pulse linear prediction coding (MP-LPC) is presented. This algorithm can determine all the amplitudes of the pulses at a time according to given pulse locations which need not be determined using analysis-by-synthesis procedure. This can ensure that determined pulses are optimal in a least square sense, which provides the theoretical foundation for improving the quality of synthesized speech. And then based on the location-independent pulse search algorithm, fixed-location pulse linear prediction coding(FLP-LPC) method is presented. The presented algorithm is simulated in MATLAB, the results show that the speech synthesized using the pulses determined by location-independent pulse search algorithm have better speech quality and shorter coding time than the sequential method. FLP-LPC can obtain the synthesized speech closed to G.729 at the coding rate of 2.5kbps.
中文关键词: 语音编码,多脉冲线性预测编码,定点脉冲线性预测编码
英文关键词: speech coding, multi-pulse linear prediction coding, fixed-location pulse linear prediction coding
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(30870666)、山东自然科学基金项目(ZR2014FL005)、山东教育厅科技发展项目(J08LJ52)、滨州学院科研基金项目(BZXYG1004, BZXYG1007)
马震 滨州学院信息工程系 滨州 256600 13954380080@139.com 
吴殿红 滨州学院信息工程系 13954330002@139.com 
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