The effects of structure parameters of laminated composite plates with different fiber orientation on the sound power*
投稿时间:2015-06-29  修订日期:2016-03-01
      In this paper, the acoustic radiation power of laminated composite plates with different external excitation positions and different fiber orientation angle was investigated. The dynamic response of laminated plates was obtained by using layerwise finite element model.Based on the acoustic radiation mode, the laying mode of the fiber ,width-depth ratio and elastic modulus ratio on the plate structural parameters, the sound power of the laminated composite plates with different fiber orientation angle were then discussed. The numerical simulations results show that the effects of the panel orientation angle and width-depth ratio on the sound radiation power of the laminated composite plates are significant. From the perspective of the noise reduction ,the noise reduction of laminated plates with same laying angle by changing the elastic modulus ratio is not obvious. Secondly ,the laminated composite plates with the smaller width-depth ratio have bigger space on the noise reduction and more easily reduce noise by changing the angle of the laying .On the whole,from the point of view of noise reduction,symmetrical laminated plates have more advantages than the unidirectional laminated structure and anti-symmetrical laminate can obtain lower acoustic power at the same laying angle .
中文关键词: 铺设角度,层合板,声功率,分层有限元理论
英文关键词: Fiber orientation angle, Laminated plate, Sound power, Layerwise finite element model
王县委 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院 南昌 330063 wxw11181239@163.com 
吴锦武* 南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院 南昌 330063 wujinwu@nchu.edu.cn 
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