陈虎虎,王同东,王敏超,李欣.新疆实验次声台阵设计[J].,2016,35(3):277-282 |
新疆实验次声台阵设计 |
On Design of Xinjiang Experimental Infrasonic Arrays #$NL |
投稿时间:2015-07-15 修订日期:2016-02-02 |
中文摘要: |
设计并建立了两个无人值守式实验次声四元台阵。描述了实验次声台阵的结构,计算了它的传递函数。对实验台站的仪器构成进行了说明,其主要由降噪管阵列、传声器、数据采集记录设备、数据通信系统、风速测量系统、电源系统等构成,重点对其降噪管和通信系统进行了描述。降噪管为十字玫瑰花瓣型降噪管,给出了其降风噪性能。台站通信系统基于VPN进行架构,实现了数据的实时自动传输和FTP传输功能。实测结果表明实验台阵的本地噪声主要是由微气压、山背波和台阵附近的随机干扰噪声构成。台阵记录到了大量当量较小的区域地表采矿、采石微差爆破次声信号,也记录到了2013年2月15日俄罗斯陨石大爆炸事件相关的清晰的次声信号。分析结果表明,该次声台阵具有良好的性能,具有一定的推广价值。 |
英文摘要: |
Two experimental untended infrasonic arrays are set up in Xinxiang, China. Each array is deployed in triangle shapes in which three element stations are on the vertexes of the triangle symmetrically and one element station is on the center of it, so a symmetrical array response is attained from this kind of array. The infrasonic element station is mainly composed of wind-noise reduction pipe array, microphone and data measurement instruments, data communication system, wind measurement system, power system. The wind-noise reduction pipe array is a rosette pipe; its wind-noise reduction capability is described. Based on VPN, real-time data communication and the FTP functions are applied. By a preliminary analysis, the backgrounds noises are composed of MAWs and microbaroms of long durations that last continuously almost every day. The experimental infrasonic stations record small ground explosive signals of mining, also recorded clear signals of the big meteor atmospheric explosion in Russia on Feb. 15, 2013. Analysis and results indicate that the two arrays have good monitoring capabilities. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2016.03.014 |
中文关键词: 次声台阵 次声监测 降噪管 |
英文关键词: infrasonic array infrasonic monitoring microphone |
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