张富东,徐利梅,陈敏,李学生.参量阵电控波束偏转方法研究与实验测试*[J].,2016,35(3):239-247 |
参量阵电控波束偏转方法研究与实验测试* |
The method research and experimental tests on electronically controlled beam steering for parametric array* |
投稿时间:2015-08-20 修订日期:2016-04-27 |
中文摘要: |
为了使参量阵获得更快的波束转动能力,提出了一种基于相控阵技术的电控波束偏转方法。该方法通过同步改变原波波束的空间分布,间接实现了参量阵差频波束的电控偏转。通过仿真发现,较低的原波频率、较大的原波频率差异、较小的阵元间距和原波波长比值d/λ,是在波束偏转时减小差频波主瓣宽度和栅瓣强度的有利条件。随后采用所提方法,对频率为2kHz的差频波,完成了偏转角为5°、10°与20°时的波束偏转实验。实验生成的差频波主瓣分布在预设方向,栅瓣同时也得到了有效的抑制,达到了波束偏转的目的。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the phased array technology, an electronically controlled beam steering method is proposed for parametric array to make it gain a faster beam-steering ability. Through the simulation analysis, it was found that, the lower frequency for primary waves, bigger frequency difference among primary waves, and lower value of d/λ (the ratio of array element spacing to primary wave’s wavelength), are the benefit conditions for difference frequency wave to acquire a narrower main-lobe and weaker grating lobe in the beam steering process. Based on the proposed method, beam-steering experiments for difference frequency wave with the frequency of 2kHz were carried out at the steering angles of 5°, 10° and 20°. The generated difference frequency waves were consistent with the presets at the main-lobe locations, and its grating lobes were also inhibited as the expected. The purpose of the difference frequency wave beam steering was achieved. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2016.03.009 |
中文关键词: 参量声源 波束偏转 原波 差频波 |
英文关键词: Parametric acoustic array, Beam-steering, Primary frequency wave, Difference frequency wave. |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (61271286, 61301261), 装备预研基金项目 (9140A01010113DZ02001, 9140A01060114DZ02001) |
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