A filtering method for high frequency underwater acoustic signal using a improved empirical mode decomposition*
投稿时间:2015-08-30  修订日期:2016-06-14
      The purpose of this work is to study a method for filtering high frequency underwater acoustic signal based on the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and the wavelet soft threshold (WST) methods. Firstly, the band-pass filter is used to denoise the signal with noise. Secondly, the EEMD method is used to process the signal, then the intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) are transformed to signals in frequency domain, respectively. Thirdly, analyzing the characteristic of the IMFs, and finding the main component IMFs, then the IMFs are filtered by using the WST method. Finally, the IMFs are added to reconstruct the signal in frequency domain, and then the signal in time domain is obtained. The given method is proved feasibly and effectively by numerical simulation and experiment data, comparing with FIR digital filter method, the following acquaintances can be observed: (1) There is above 30% output signal noise ratio (SNR) improved for simulation signal under different input SNR, respectively. (2) The correlative coefficient between the signal filtered and the simulation signal without noise can be improved 22% at most. (3) The correlative coefficient between different periods of timeSfor experiment data can also be improved to 1.6 times at most.
中文关键词: 经验模态分解,小波软阈值,高频信号,滤波,水声
英文关键词: Ensemble  empirical mode  decomposition (EEMD),Wavelet  soft threshold(WST),High  frequency signal,Filtering,Underwater  acoustic
丁浩* 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266000 dinghao1015@126.com 
赵建昕 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266000 zhao jianxin@126.com 
笪良龙 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266000 da lianglong@126.com 
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