Box Beam Chamber Structure for Vibration and Noise Control in Urban Rail Traffic
投稿时间:2015-09-01  修订日期:2016-06-13
      Finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM) are applied to calculate noises radiated by box beam and (to) analyze the radiation levels of box beam with a variety of chamber. As the calculation results indicate, noise of box beam site structure is greatly influenced by vibration level; for box beam structures with different chambers, the maximum linear sound pressure level of inter-midfielder decreases from single cell single box girders to single box with double cells to single box with three cells to twin-box single-cell girder. Twin-box single-cell girder is the most ideal one to reduce structure noise of box beam, and the more distant the radiation is, the faster the attenuation of the noise. The reduction of structure noise of the box beam adopts positive correlation with that of vibration of the flange and web. The findings can provide reference for the design of the reduction of vibration and noise of urban rail transit box beam.
中文关键词: 边界元  有限元  箱型梁  腔室  结构噪声
英文关键词: boundary element  finite element  box beam  chamber  structural noise
刘林芽* 华东交通大学 645031420@qq.com 
许代言 华东交通大学 2742506757@qq.com 
李纪阳 华东交通大学  
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