Calculations of time delay-laws in phased array focusing ultrasound testing with inclined wedges
投稿时间:2015-09-10  修订日期:2016-04-27
      Phased array ultrasonic testing with inclined wedges is widely used in low carbon steel thin-wall workpieces welds inspection. Investigation of delay laws for phased array ultrasonic focusing deflection testing can improve the evaluation reliability even more. In the ultrasonic testing, sound wave radiated from a phased array probe passes through the wedge-specimen plane interface and the mode conversion shear wave is focused in the specimen. Employing Fermat principle, calculations of each element delay time is deduced and a numerical solution for a focal point is got. Finally, simulation and experimental measurement of focusing acoustic field was carried out. The result shows that the beam can focus on the target point, and the simulation and experimental results agrees well.
中文关键词: 相控阵超声检测,延时法则,Fermat原理
英文关键词: Phased array ultrasonic testing, Time delay laws, Fermat principle
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11274091, 11574072), 河海大学中央高校基金项目 (2015B04714, 2011B11014)
姜学平 河海大学物联网工程学院 jiang_ndt@163.com 
王鹏 河海大学物联网工程学院 1377533181@qq.com 
韩庆邦* 河海大学物联网工程学院 HQB0092@163.com 
田国良 葫芦岛特种设备监督检验所 tianguoliang0413@126.com 
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