马明明,周凤鸣,刘志军,马越蛟,张 薇.基于弹性力学参数的天然气识别评价技术研究*[J].,2016,35(5):438-446 |
基于弹性力学参数的天然气识别评价技术研究* |
The technical research on identification and evaluation of natural gas based on elastic mechanic parameters |
投稿时间:2015-10-26 修订日期:2016-08-15 |
中文摘要: |
本文基于岩石物理实验和数值计算,构建了纵横波速比、泊松比、拉梅系数和体积模量两两交会的天然气储层识别图版,建立了基于模量比差比参数的含气饱和度计算模型。该成果在冀东探区南堡凹陷深层天然气测井识别和评价中应用效果显著。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on rock physical experiment and numerical calculation, We formed the intersection chart for identifying gas reservoirs using two parameters of p and s wave velocity ratio, poisson"s ratio, lame coefficient and bulk modulus. Also, we built the gas saturation calculation model using the ratio of modulus ratio’s difference. The research has been applied to the natural gas identification and evaluation in deep Nanpu depression and obtained a better effect. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2016.05.009 |
中文关键词: 岩石物理实验 数值计算 弹性力学参数 模量比差比 |
英文关键词: Rock physical experiment,Numerical calculation,Elastic mechanic parameters,The ratio of modulus ratio’s difference |
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