曹青松,陈刚.空调压缩机噪声测试及其声品质客观参量分析*[J].,2016,35(5):464-470 |
空调压缩机噪声测试及其声品质客观参量分析* |
Noise test and objective parameters analysis of sound quality for air conditioning compressor |
投稿时间:2015-12-24 修订日期:2016-08-11 |
中文摘要: |
针对空调压缩机辐射声场的不同场点噪声声品质的差异,采用心理学声品质参量即响度、尖锐度、总感觉噪度,对压缩机辐射声场的不同场点噪声进行声品质客观参量分析,研究压缩机场点噪声声品质客观参量值变化规律。通过特征响度研究各场点噪声响度在频域的分布,并得出压缩机各场点噪声特征响度峰值所在噪声频带。实验结果表明,对于处在压缩机不同方向上的场点,其噪声声品质客观参量值存在明显差异,但其噪声特征响度峰值却处在相同的噪声频带。研究工作为压缩机全方向降噪提供参考依据,也为研究压缩机的噪声声品质探索了一种新思路。 |
英文摘要: |
Aiming at the difference of sound quality of different field point noise radiated by the compressor of the air conditioner, the objective parameters of sound quality of different field point were analyzed based on the psycho-acoustical parameters that include the sound quality of loudness, sharpness and the total perceived noisiness. The distribution regularity of the objective parameters of sound quality of different field point was researched. Then the distribution of loudness of different field point noise in the frequency domain was investigated through the specific loudness. And the peak frequency band of the specific loudness of different field point was obtained. Experimental results reveal that the objective parameters of sound quality of field point in different directions have significant differences, but the peak frequency band of the specific loudness of different field point was the same. The study provides some reference basis for the noise reduction of all direction of the compressor. Also, this paper explores a new way of researching the sound quality of the compressor. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2016.05.012 |
中文关键词: 压缩机,噪声测试,声品质,客观参量 |
英文关键词: Compressor, Noise test, Sound quality, Objective parameters |
基金项目:高速列车时滞、饱和非线性悬挂系统多速率控制方法研究 |
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