朱振岭,陈日林,杨亦春.差分传声器阵列低频特性优化研究*[J].,2016,35(6):505-510 |
差分传声器阵列低频特性优化研究* |
New Method of Low Frequency Compensation of Differential Microphones Arrays* |
投稿时间:2016-01-08 修订日期:2016-10-26 |
中文摘要: |
【】利用传声器阵列差分信号处理可以获得指向性波束,可用于定向拾音或环绕声录音,但该处理方式产生了高通滤波作用,降低了信号低频段的信噪比,将影响输出音质,本文提出了一种时变补偿滤波器在补偿差分信号低频能量的同时避免了引入过多噪声。仿真实验中,信号与噪声分别为chirp信号、高斯白噪声,信噪比为50dB,时变补偿滤波器较常规补偿方式信噪比提高了约6dB。音质和环绕声声像定位主观评测结果表明,采用本方法进行低频补偿,可以获得更好的低频音质,环绕声重放中声像的方位感知更佳。 |
英文摘要: |
【】Differential microphones arrays(DMA), due to the ability to obtain directivity beam, can be widely used for directivity recording and surround sound recording. However, the frequency response of DMA has a high-pass nature and reduces the SNR of the low-frequency part. In this paper, a time-varying compensation filter has been proposed to compensate the output of the DMA,and avoid the over increasing of low-frequency noise. The simulation, in which the chirp signal and white noise with the SNR of 50 dB are chosen, shows the SNR of signal compensated by the time-varying compensation filter excesses about 6 dB than the one by traditional compensation filter. The subjective assessment experiment shows the compensation filter proposed here brings not only higher sound quality level, but also better the localization ability. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2016.06.005 |
中文关键词: 差分阵列 补偿滤波器 指向性录音 |
英文关键词: differential microphones array(DMA) compensation filter directional recording |
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