Research for 0ctave analysis based on improved Mallat algorithm
投稿时间:2016-02-25  修订日期:2016-06-05
      Octave analysis is an important part of noise measurement system, in view of the defects of inaccurate for sound pressure level spectrum measurement and low accuracy for relative attenuation values in traditional octave analysis method, an improved Mallat algorithm is proposed in this pape. First the basic principle of noise signal octave analysis based on Mallat algorithm is introduced, then the improved Mallat algorithm which could lower the error caused by sharp cut-off characteristic of wavelet filter and boundary effect of convolution is given. The keys of the proposed algorithm are: 1) removing the frequency aliasing components due to the sharp cut-off characteristics of the wavelet filter; 2) weeding out the first end of the output signal to eliminate the boundary effect caused by convolution appropriately. At the end, the octave analysis system based on improved Mallat algorithm is simulated though LabVIEW. The simulation results show that the relative attenuation values is more precise and the display for spectrum is more accurate with the octave analysis based on improved Mallat algorithm .
中文关键词: 改进Mallat算法,倍频程分析,相对衰减值,声压级谱
英文关键词: improved Mallat algorithm, octave analysis, relative attenuation value, sound pressure level spectrum
高友丽* 湖南大学 571358522@qq.com 
唐求 湖南大学 tangqiu@hnu.edu.cn 
张军号 湖南大学 luoyzjh@163.com 
李斌勤 重庆电力高等专科学校 951830983@qq.com 
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