Vertical direction of acoustic intensity flux of ship noise in shallow sea
投稿时间:2016-03-14  修订日期:2016-12-22
      The interference of multi-path signal from deterministic acoustic source in shallow sea changes the vertical direction of sound intensity flux at the receiving point, which is not the same with the direction of acoustic source. The measuring of acoustic intensity in pressure field cannot provide the vertical direction of acoustic intensity. The vertical direction of acoustic intensity of wideband particle source under ideal conditions is shown by simulation vector field of normal modes. The vertical direction of sound intensity flux of ship noise under ambient noise and interference is shown by single acoustic vector hydrophones in sea trial. The results of simulation and experiment show that, in far field condition, the interference phenomenon in shallow sea causes the vertical direction of acoustic intensity at the receiving point changing with frequency and distance, and the time and frequency distribution appear the fringe which is similar with the interference fringe in LOFAR figure. The polar angle which represents the vertical direction of acoustic intensity is between 70o and 110o.
中文关键词: 舰船噪声,声矢量水听器, 声强流
英文关键词: Ship noise,Acoustic vector hydrophones,Acoustic intensity flux
侯文姝 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071 houwenshuc@163.com 
笪良龙 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071 houwenshuc@163.com 
孙芹东 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071 houwenshuc@163.com 
王文龙 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071 houwenshuc@163.com 
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