Soundscape risk degree evaluation in urban park
投稿时间:2016-04-17  修订日期:2016-10-22
      To solve the problem that the urban park soundscape can be easily affected by the surrounding environment and lose its landscape value, evaluation system of soundscape risk degree in urban park with 3 criteria layer factors namely natural factors, living factors and mechanical factors, and 17 indicators layer factors are constructed by using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Set Minjiang River Park in Fuzhou as an example, the possibility of urban park soundscape loss affected by negative factors is analyzed. The results show that the overall soundscape risk degree assessment of Minjiang Park is moderate risk III. In the index layer, extremely risk V index is construction sound, severe risk IV index is lightning flashes and thunder rumbles sound, moderate risk III indexes are cleaning machines sound, rain pouring sound, traffic sound, talking and playing sound, wind howling sound, cat cries and dog barks sound, fireworks and firecrackers sound, dancing audio and singing practice sound, the other indexes are below moderate risk III. The evaluation results are consistent with the practice, which provide an effective method for further studies of urban park soundscape risk.
中文关键词: 声景观危险度,城市公园,模糊层次分析法(F-AHP法)
英文关键词: Soundscape  risk degree, urban  park, Fuzzy  analytic hierarchy  process
洪昕晨 福建农林大学园林学院 福州 350002 hongxc92@qq.com 
张薇 福建农林大学园林学院 福州 350002 104111788@qq.com 
朱里莹 福建农林大学园林学院 福州 350002 104111788@qq.com 
兰思仁* 福建农林大学园林学院 福州 350002 104111788@qq.com 
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