Application of forward modeling to typical geological characterization using dipole reflection imaging
投稿时间:2016-11-07  修订日期:2017-08-14
      Dipole acoustic reflection is an important progress in acoustic logging technology in recent years. It makes the measurement of the conventional well logging ranging from 1 meter up to dozens of meters around the well and has achieved good results in the exploration of the cracks and vugs by the side of the well. Based on the reciprocity between the sound field of dipole shear wave and that of the receive, we have proposed a rapid analytical method for calculating well reflected acoustic field of geological bodies-far gradual solution. With this method, we can implement the fast computation of well holes, fractures and other typical geological body reflection field and analyze the different geological bodies far detection imaging characteristics. By combining the method with the field data, we have established the dipole shear reflection interpretation models and applied them to the evaluation of geological body on sea. The application results show that the dipole shear wave detection model can be used to explain the vuggy formation identification, fault or fault judgment on sea, which provide a theoretical basis for the evaluation and interpretation of the geological body near borehole with the dipole acoustic reflection technique.
中文关键词: 偶极横波远探测,远场渐近解,正演模拟,解释模型
英文关键词: Dipole  acoustic reflection  logging, Far  gradual solution, Forward  modeling, Interpretation  model
张聪慧* 中海油田服务股份有限公司油田技术事业部 zhangch@cosl.com.cn 
祁晓 中海油田服务股份有限公司油田技术事业部 ex_qixiao@cosl.com.cn 
尚锁贵 中海石油中国有限公司天津分公司 shangsg@cnooc.com.cn 
孙小芳 中海油田服务股份有限公司油田技术事业部 sunxf8@cosl.com.cn 
张璋 中海油田服务股份有限公司油田技术事业部 zhangzhang@cosl.com.cn 
李东 中海油田服务股份有限公司油田技术事业部 lidong7@cosl.com.cn 
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