Optimization of the transmitting circuit of acoustic remote detecting tool
投稿时间:2017-02-10  修订日期:2018-02-26
      Acoustic remote detecting tools requires low-frequency and high-power transmission and wide-band receiver technology, which can make the tool see farther and see more clearly. In order to increasing transmitting energy while using single-pulse signal to stimulate the transmitting transducer, it’s necessary to increase the pulse width of the excitation signal or increase the transmitting voltage. However, the imaging resolution will be decreased while increasing the pulse. And increasing the voltage will give more challenge for transducers. This article proposed a method of using linear frequency modulated pulse signal to drive transducers which will improve the detection range and precision. Practically, using DDS to generate this chirp signal and implemented by FPGA; using high efficient Class D amplifier to maximum the energy; using a full bridge circuit to achieve the two-way emission. Field logging shows that the circuit can work stably and efficiently, which gets better imaging resolution compared to single pulse transmit circuits. This article provides a technical reference for the independent and development of acoustic remote detecting tools.
中文关键词: 横波远探测  线性调频脉冲 直接数字式频率合成 D类功放
英文关键词: S-wave  remote detection, Linear  frequency modulated  chirp, Direct  digital frequency  synthesis, Class  D amplifier
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11404370, 11734017), 国家重大科研装备研制项目 (ZDYZ2012-1)
贺洪斌* 中国科学院声学研究所 hongbin40@163.com 
晁永胜 中石化胜利石油工程有限公司测井公司 cys6910@163.com 
汪正波 中国科学院声学研究所 wangzb1987@gmail.com 
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