邓新,张学飞,耿 卓,王加政,徐秋婷,储丽霞.地铁车辆直型辐板阻尼环车轮声振特性分析[J].,2017,36(5):455-461
Analysis on Sound and Vibration Characteristics of Wheel with Circular Shock Absorber in Subway Vehicles
投稿时间:2017-02-22  修订日期:2017-08-14
      The sound and vibration characteristics of the damping ring wheel are studied in the semi - anechoic chamber. The effects of different damping rings on the acoustic and vibration characteristics of the wheel are discussed. The results show that the damping ring does not change the natural frequency of the wheel, but the damping ring will significantly increase the modal damping ratio of the wheel and effectively suppress the vibration amplitude of each mode of the wheel; Changing the damping ring expansion state leads to nonlinear changes in the damping ring noise reduction, the noise reduction amplitude is within 5.6dB (A); The damping ring expansion state can be changed by adjusting the end of the non-closed damping ring expansion device. When the damping ring is in the non maximum expansion state W_3, the optimum noise reduction effect can be obtained.
中文关键词: 阻尼车轮  预紧力  声振特性  激励
英文关键词: damping wheel  preload  acoustic vibration characteristics  excitation
邓新* 常州大学 城市轨道交通学院 常州 213164 dx110119@163.com 
张学飞* 常州大学城市轨道交通学院  
耿 卓 常州大学城市轨道交通学院  
王加政 常州大学城市轨道交通学院  
徐秋婷 常州大学城市轨道交通学院  
储丽霞 西南交通大学常州轨道交通研究院  
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