The design of real-time active acoustic location system
投稿时间:2017-06-22  修订日期:2018-02-23
      Aiming at the accurate positioning of shock wave overpressure sensor position in military exercise or explosion experiment, a design scheme of real - time active acoustic positioning system is proposed. The system includes sound signal transmission system, acoustic signal receiving and processing system and wireless monitoring terminal system composed of three parts. Sound signal transmission system and wireless monitoring terminal to single-chip STC12C5A60S2 as the core controller, receiving and processing system to ARM9 series S3C2440 as the core controller. The transmitting system sends four acoustic signals of known frequency, the receiving and receiving system receives and processes the received four kinds of sound signals, and then feeds the processing result back to the wireless monitoring terminal. Experiments show that the system can transmit, receive and process the acoustic signal under certain conditions, reach the real - time positioning target, and control the positioning error in the centimeter range within 200 meters.
中文关键词: 实时主动声定位,ARM9,单片机STC12C5A60S2
英文关键词: Real-time active acoustic positioning,ARM9,MCU STC12C5A60S2
基金项目:国防重点实验室基金项目 (9140c12040051010)
李缙* 中北大学 704446679@qq.com 
张丕状 中北大学  
摘要点击次数: 2063
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