Dynamic binaural reproduction of multichannel surround sound based on mobile phone
投稿时间:2017-07-07  修订日期:2018-02-24
      随着 VR眼镜技术的发展,普通的智能手机已可以作为虚拟现实和动态声、视频重放的平台。该文提出了一种基于手机的多通路环绕声动态双耳重放技术及其信号处理的高效实现方法。利用手机内的加速度传感器、电子罗盘、陀螺仪组成头踪迹跟踪器,实时检测倾听者头部的方向,并利用手机的信号处理芯片实现动态双耳合成。采用头相关脉冲响应的最小相位近似和主成分分解的方法简化双耳合成处理,提高了信号处理的效率。文中给出了系统的结构和软、硬件设计方法,并给出了实现 22.2 通路空间环绕声动态双耳重放的例子。客观测量和心理声学实验验证了所提出的方法。
      With the recent development of VR glass technique, smart mobile phones can serve as platform for virtual reality and dynamic video and audio reproduction. In present work, a technique for dynamic binaural reproduction of multichannel surround sound based on mobile phone as well as corresponding scheme for highefficient signal processing are developed. The orientation of listener’s head is real-time detected by using the head tracker consisting of acceleration sensor, electronic compass and gyroscope in the mobile phone, and then dynamic binaural synthesis is implemented by the DSP in mobile phone. Minimum phase approximation and principal component decomposition are applied to head-related impulse responses so as to simplify binaural synthesis and then to improve the efficiency of signal processing. The system structure and design methods for software and hardware are addressed. Objective measurement and psychoacoustic experiment validate the proposed system and technique.
中文关键词: 多通路声, 动态双耳重放,手机
英文关键词: Multichannel  sound, Dynamic  binaural reproduction, Mobile phone.
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11674105)资助; 华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学重点实验室自主研究课题
林慧镔 华南理工大学 物理与光电学院 lhbcheng@126.com 
谢菠荪* 华南理工大学 物理与光电学院 phbsxie@scut.edu.cn 
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