Tone analysis of non-native Chinese speakers based on rules and statistics
投稿时间:2017-09-18  修订日期:2018-04-03
      汉语普通话教学已经在我国各少数民族地区的教育工作中占据越来越重要的地位,然而从这些地区的相关教育实践来看,汉语普通话正面临着语音素质和教学质量较低的严峻问题。该文采用实验语音学,对比分析、偏误分析的理论及方法,考察并分析了维吾尔族学生习得汉语单字调声调的情况。主要是对初级、中级和高级阶段的 50名维吾尔族学生声调的五度值曲线和声调之间相似度与标准普通话者进行对比并分析,得出维吾尔族学生对汉语声调的偏误情况以及 MHK 成绩的关系。通过实验结果可以发现,三组的维吾尔人学习普通话的声调都有困难。两种语言的音系、语调和重音等特性影响了第二语言中的声调特性。这种声调系统的差异导致了维吾尔族人学习普通话声调产出的困难。通过这项实验揭示了目前维吾尔学生对汉语普通话中声调发音的掌握情况,同时有助于进一步了解维吾尔族普通话学习者汉语声调的偏误。
      Chinese mandarin teaching plays an important role in the educational work for minority areas of our country. However, from the perspective of relevant educational practices of these areas, Chinese mandarin teaching is facing serious problems of relatively low pronunciation quality and teaching quality. This article applies experimental phonetics and the theories and methods of contrastive analysis and error analysis to investigate and analyze the situation of Uyghur students acquiring monosyllabic tone of Chinese. It mainly compares and analyzes the five-degree curves of tones and similarities among tones between 50 Uyghur students of primary, intermediate and advanced stages and standard mandarin speakers, getting Uyghur students’ biased error situation on Chinese tone and relation on MHK results. Through the experiment results, it can find that three groups of Uyghur people are in difficulty of learning the tone of mandarin. The characteristics like phonetic systems, intonations and accents, etc. of two languages influence the tone characteristic of the second language. Therefore, the tone system difference causes that Uyghur people are difficult to learn the tone of mandarin. Through this experiment, it reveals the current situation of Uyghur students mastering the tone and pronunciation of Chinese mandarin. Meanwhile, it contributes to the further understanding on the biased error of Uyghur people learning Chinese tone.
中文关键词: 维吾尔族学习者  声调产出  对比实验  偏误分析
英文关键词: Uyghur learners  Tone production  Contrast experiments  Error analysis
古力努尔.艾尔肯 新疆大学信息科学与工程学院 gulnur407@163.com 
艾斯卡尔.艾木都拉* 新疆大学信息科学与工程学院 2219658263@qq.com 
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