Analysis of source range estimation affected by three-dimensional effects in a wedge-shaped waveguide
投稿时间:2017-11-07  修订日期:2018-06-27
      楔形海域中声传播会出现显著的三维效应,导致水平方向上特定接收位置的声信号出现模态多次到达或者模态影区。利用射线模型,首先对楔形波导中的传播损失进行计算,分析三维效应的存在对于声波传播的影响, 结果表明,随着距离的增加,水平折射效应愈加明显,所得的三维结果与利用二维模型计算所得相差逐渐增大。然后对比二维声场和三维声场中的接收波形,并对其进行模态分离,证明在某些接收位置将会出现明显的模态多次到达或模态影区。最后通过匹配全波解以及分离出的各号简正波所对应的脉冲波形进行声源距离估计研究,并分析三维效应对于声源距离估计结果的影响。结果表明,由于三维效应的存在,使用三维模型能够得到准确估计声源距离,而利用二维模型进行估计得到的结果与实际距离相差较多,总体上偏大。
      The acoustic propagation will exist a significant three-dimensional effect in the wedge-shaped waveguide, and this effect can make the acoustic signal of horizontal direction appeared multiple mode arrivals or modal shadow zones in some specific receiving positions. Using the ray model, the transmission loss in the wedge waveguide is calculated firstly and the acoustic propagation affected by the existence of three-dimensional effect is analyzed. The result shows that the horizontal refraction effect becomes more obvious with the increase of the range, and the gap is gradually increased between the three-dimensional result and the calculated result by using the two-dimensional model. By comparing the received pulse waveforms in two-dimensional acoustic field and three-dimensional acoustic field, multiple mode arrivals or modal shadow zones in some receiving positions is subsequently confirmed. Finally, source range estimation is studied by matching the full wave solution as well as the separated normal modes, and the result of source range estimation affected by three-dimensional effect is analyzed. The result implies that applying the three-dimensional model can accurately estimate the source range, due to the existence of the three-dimensional effect, and the source range estimated by two-dimensional model greatly differs from the actual source range, which is larger on the whole.
中文关键词: 楔形海底,三维效应,距离估计,相关匹配
英文关键词: wedge-shaped waveguide, three-dimensional effects, range estimation, correlation matching
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11434012, 41561144006)
吴祖勇 国防科技大学气象海洋学院 长沙 156618056@qq.com 
秦继兴* 中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 qjx@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
王龙昊 国防科技大学气象海洋学院 长沙 972478994@qq.com 
张燕 中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 swallow0507zy@126.com 
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