冯雪磊,蒋令闻,张崇丙,李晓伟.sinc函数加权圆弧形恒定束宽阵列*[J].,2018,37(6):904-908 |
sinc函数加权圆弧形恒定束宽阵列* |
Constant-beamwidth circular-arc line array using sinc-function array shading |
投稿时间:2017-12-12 修订日期:2018-10-31 |
中文摘要: |
加权函数对于圆弧形恒定束宽阵列的性能至关重要,因此分析了圆弧形恒定束宽阵列的加权函数的特性,并提出了sinc函数加权方法。分别对窄覆盖sinc函数加权阵列和宽覆盖sinc函数加权阵列的波束特性进行数值分析,验证其恒定束宽的波束特性。结果表明,sinc函数加权阵列在工作频率范围内产生近似不随频率变化的波束。此外,还与多种已有的圆弧形恒定束宽阵列进行对比分析,包括Legendre函数加权阵列、余弦函数加权阵列、Chebyshev多项式加权阵列等。结果表明,相较于已有的阵列,sinc函数加权阵列具有更低的低频截止频率,因而对应更大的工作频率范围。 |
英文摘要: |
Shading function is critical to the performance capability of a constant-beamwidth array and is therefore analyzed theoretically and the sinc-function shading is then derived. A sinc-function-shaded narrow-arc array and broad-arc array are analyzed, and their constant-beamwidth performance capabilities are verified. The results indicate that the beam patterns vary little with frequency above the cutoff frequencies. Several exiting constant-beamwidth circular-arc arrays are analyzed for comparison, including Legendre-function-shaded array, cosine-shaded array, Chebyshev-polynomials-shaded array, etc. The results indicate that the lower bandwidth limitation for sinc-function-shaded array is lower than those for exiting constant-beamwidth arrays, corresponding to a wider operating bandwidth. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2018.06.011 |
中文关键词: 圆弧形阵列,恒定束宽阵列,Sinc函数加权,阵列加权,波束形成. |
英文关键词: Circular-arc line array Constant-beamwidth array Sinc-function shading Array shading Beamforming |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目 (2017YFB0202701), 国家自然科学基金项目 (11772304) |
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