Ultrasonic multi-wave focusing and acoustical polarization direction control method
投稿时间:2017-10-26  修订日期:2017-12-25
      On the basis of the idea of multi-wave focusing, the multi-wave focusing characteristic of time reversal method and the feasibility of controlling the polarization direction of the wave field are analyzed by numerical simulation. The results show that the time reversal method can realize the effect of multi-wave focusing at different positions of the target, which makes the different waveforms focused. However, at the near surface of the medium, the multi-wave focused field still has the elliptical polarization characteristic due to the influence of the surface wave, and can not achieve the precise control of the polarization direction of the wave field. The multi-wave focusing point inside the medium is rarely influenced by the surface wave, the numerical results show that the multi-wave focused field has the linear polarization characteristic. Through changing the excitation amplitude and phase of the front and rear pulses of the source, the polarization direction of the wave field can be controlled, and the purpose of polarization direction scanning is achieved.the study of this paper provides a probably new method to precisely detect crack direction and interface characteristic.
中文关键词: 多波聚焦,时间反转,偏振方向控制
英文关键词: Multi-wave focus, Time reversal, polarization direction control.
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11574343, 11774377)
阎守国* 中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 yanshouguo@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
张碧星 中国科学院声学研究所声场声信息国家重点实验室 zhbx@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
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