The acoustic radiation force of multiple particles in plane wave field
投稿时间:2017-10-30  修订日期:2017-12-27
      In this paper, we study the acoustic radiation force of the particles when there are sparsely distributed particles in sound field, give the formula for calculating the acoustic radiation force of the particles in any position in sound field and make the simulation. Since the acoustic radiation force is nonlinear, it’s very complicated for us to calculate the acoustic radiation force directly. Our calculation results show that when the sound field contains multiple sparsely distributed particles, the multi-particle system can be decomposed into several independent two-particle systems. Only need to calculate the acoustic radiation force of each two-particle system respectively, we can get the radiation force of any particle by superposition. These results will help to fine control the microparticles with acoustic radiation force.
中文关键词: 行波,声辐射力,长距离,多个粒子
英文关键词: Plane traveling wave, Acoustic radiation force, Long range, Multiple particles
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11774167), 声场声信息国家重点实验室开放课题研究基金 (SKLOA201609)
惠铭心 南京大学声学所 huimx001@163.com 
刘晓宙* 南京大学声学所 xzliu@nju.edu.cn 
刘杰惠 南京大学声学所 wljh@nju.edu.cn 
何爱军 南京大学电子科学与工程系 haj@nju.edu.cn 
张古田 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 zgt6810@aliyun.com 
章强 南京大学学报 xbzq@nju.edu.cn 
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