Experimental research on feature extraction and diagnostics for acoustic emission signals of rolling bearings
投稿时间:2018-01-09  修订日期:2018-10-31
      The acoustic emission method was used to diagnose low-speed rotating mechanical rolling bearing which vibration detection method can not diagnose effectively. An acoustic emission signal acquisition test device with low speed for rolling bearing was established in advance. The acoustic emission signals of the simulated artificial failure bearings were acquired. These signals of rolling bearings were decomposed by ensemble empirical mode decomposition method. Then the reliability of every intrinsic mode function was determined by energy moments and correlation coefficients. Characteristic signals were extracted and made to local Hilbert marginal spectrum. Thus a variety of failure modes of bearing were diagnosed. The experimental results show that this method can accurately identify the fault frequency of the acoustic emission signal of the rolling bearing, and according to the characteristic frequency and amplitude can effectively diagnose the fault of the low-speed rolling bearing.
中文关键词: 滚动轴承,声发射,总体平均经验模式分解,能量矩,Hilbert边际谱
英文关键词: Rolling bearings, Acoustic emission, Ensemble empirical mode decomposition, Energy moments, Hilbert marginal spectrum
余永增* 中国石油兰州石化公司设备维修公司 yuyongzeng509@sina.com 
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