Speech recognition based on improved convolutional neural network algorithm
投稿时间:2018-01-25  修订日期:2018-11-02
      An improved convolutional neural network(CNN) algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of poor recognition performance when the traditional CNN identifies continuous speech corpus. In this method, Fisher criterion and L2 regularization constraint are introduced. In the phase of back propagation adjustment parameters, it not only ensures the minimum of parameter errors, but also ensures that the distribution of samples after classification is more scattered, and the distribution within class is more concentrated. At the same time, the weights of the network is guaranteed to have the appropriate order of magnitude to effectively alleviate the problem of over-fitting; in order to further improve the accuracy of speech recognition, a new log activation function which is more consistent with the biological neuron is used to optimize the CNN. Experiments on speech corpus TIMIT and THCHS30 show that compared with the traditional convolutional neural network algorithm, the improved algorithm proposed in this paper can better improve the accuracy and the generalization ability.
中文关键词: 语音识别,卷积神经网络,Fisher准则,L2正则化,log激活函数
英文关键词: Speech recognition, Convolutional neural network, Fisher criterion, L2 regularization, log activation function
杨洋* 北京信息科技大学信息与通信工程学院 18811536735@163.com 
汪毓铎 北京信息科技大学信息与通信工程学院 wangyuduo@bistu.edu.cn 
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