Ultrasonic phased array wavenumber imaging algorithm for rail defects
投稿时间:2018-02-28  修订日期:2018-10-27
      该文应用超声相控阵全矩阵捕获的波数成像算法,检测带有通孔缺陷的钢轨和 B型相控阵试块。以实验获取的全矩阵数据为基础,研究了自发自收模式和全矩阵模式的波数成像算法,理论上分析了全聚焦方法和波数算法的计算性能,取得波数成像的结果并与全聚焦方法的成像结果做了对比。实验结果表明:波数成像算法具有更快的计算速度和更高的横向分辨率,且能够更加精准地还原钢轨中缺陷大小和形状,而传统的全聚焦方法计算耗时长,聚焦点分布不均匀,重建较大的缺陷出现了纵向拉长的现象,不能够较好地反映钢轨中的大缺陷。波数成像算法在各向同性材料实时检测中有很大的应用潜能。
      In this paper, wavenumber imaging algorithm of ultrasonic phased array full matrix capture (FMC) is used to detect the rail and B-type phased array test blocks with through-hole defects. Based on the full matrix data obtained experimentally, the wavenumber imaging algorithm of self-transmitting-self-receiving mode and full-matrix mode is studied. The computational performance of total focusing method (TFM) and wavenumber algorithm is theoretically analyzed. The results of wavenumber imaging are obtained and compared with that of total focusing method. The experimental results show that wavenumber imaging algorithm has faster calculation speed and higher lateral resolution, and the size and shape of the defects in the rail can be reverted more accurately. However, the traditional total focusing method takes long time and the focal points are unevenly distributed. The reconstruction of a larger defect appears to be stretched longitudinally, so cannot better reflect the larger defects in the rail. Wavenumber imaging algorithm in real-time detection of isotropic materials has great potential applications.
中文关键词: 钢轨缺陷, 超声相控阵,波数成像算法,全聚焦
英文关键词: Rail  defects, Ultrasonic  phased array, Wavenumber  imaging algorithm, Total  focusing method
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11674214, 11474195, 51478258)
刘建全 上海大学通信与信息工程学院 上海 200444 yaxi_quanquan@163.com 
张海燕 上海大学通信与信息工程学院 上海 200444 hyzh@shu.edu.cn 
徐梦云 上海大学通信与信息工程学院 上海 200444 957915839@qq.com 
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