The emotional expression of fundamental frequency of special tone in ‘a’ series statement label designator
投稿时间:2018-03-12  修订日期:2018-10-30
      Statement label designator is frequently used in daily conversations,it can express a particular emotion. ‘A’ series statement label designator are widely used in life,the special tones of some mood words in spoken language are not four standard tones in mandarin. This article starts with the fundamental frequency of pronunciation, it is considered that special tones can be applied to the expression of a class of emotions. Extracting the fundamental data of special tones, find the characteristics of the linear variation on the fundamental frequency and the law of pronunciation. The synthesis of a special tone word from the fundamental frequency and applied to the statement label designator of a sentence word,through the contrast experiment of emotion recognition and contrast experiment of emotional feedback, it is shown that the emotional statements containing the special tone make the listeners have a stronger positive emotion,feel more pleasurable.
中文关键词: 特殊音调  语气词  基频研究  汉语发音
英文关键词: special tone  statement label designator  research of fundamental frequency  Chinese pronunciation
舒炎昕 西南科技大学 制造科学与工程学院 327453214@qq.com 
王军锋* 西南科技大学 制造科学与工程学院 wjfchi@foxmail.com 
拓江敏 西南科技大学 制造科学与工程学院 1228001127@qq.com 
李悦 西南科技大学 制造科学与工程学院 1137222847@qq.com 
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